Tuesday 9 November 2010

Post Secret Project

The task: We had to scan the Internet analysing web banners. Then we had to design our own for the web site Post Secret (a website where people post their secrets on homemade post cards anonymously)

How I went about it: First I chose a selection of pictures I wanted to feature in my banner, then I used Adobe Photoshop to place them in my preferred order and size using free transform before adding text and a black background. I transferred my work into AdobeImageReady and animated it, this was made easier as I had already created my layers in Photoshop.

The final result/any problems faced: This was my first time animating, throughout the process I barely slipped up and if I did the tutorial was there for me to refer to. Ov
erall I was happy with my finished design, although if I did it again I would try to give it a more professional edge.